Thursday, February 12, 2009

Interested in Getting Involved? Send this to your Senators

We most need people to send letters to senators in the following states:

Click here to access a list of senators in the Foreign Relations Committee.

New York
New Hampshire
S Carolina

Dear Senator ,

We write to you as a constituents concerned about the rights of women and children, both in the United States and abroad. We are proud to have you as our Senator, working hard to make human rights a reality.

As a group of we want to be proud of our country. It can be difficult however, to do so, when our government is not willing to protect our rights, and the rights of women around the world, by ratifying a document that almost every other country in the world has fully recognized through ratification. By ratifying the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) the US will take a strong step toward an official stand against all forms of discrimination, stereotyping, and prejudice against women, combating violations of women’s rights and freedoms and promoting gender equality. As you have said, “we must stand up against injustice.” We would very much appreciate some guidance and assistance from you and your office to help us stand up for justice for women, making a more equitable society for all Americans, and all other women.

We believe that through ratifying CEDAW, the United States would better exemplify the ideals of freedom, liberty, and human rights that we profess to embody. CEDAW is a crucial document that acknowledges women’s innate right to have control over their lives, the activities in which they engage, and with whom they share their lives.

We also believe that being the only democracy to abstain from ratifying this document in the 38 years since President Carter signed it, the United States takes a significant risk in perpetuating the idea that our nation does not truly believe the ideals it works to encourage throughout the rest of the world. Afghanistan, a country where our soldiers are currently stationed, may see continuing progress in the education of women. Yet such progress takes on a new of level of authenticity when the rights of U.S. wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters, are fully protected through international collaboration. The United States has waited long enough to ratify this vital document; a lack of action which has aligned us with the nations such as Iran and Sudan that are known for their unwillingness to work with the international community. We see this situation as contrary to the values of this great country that stood firmly on November 4th for change.

We again applaud your commitment to human rights and the proposals you have sponsored to combat human trafficking, the use of children as soldiers, and the strengthening of the U.S. commitment to human rights on policies related to genocide and ethnic cleansing. Your assistance and guidance in helping us find the best support for working to ratify CEDAW would be greatly appreciated. If we could speak to you in person or on the phone to discuss possible strategies we would be most grateful.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

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